What is Colostrum?Updated 2 months ago
Colostrum is a superfood produced by all mammals in the first 48-72 hours after giving birth. It is the first nutrition we receive in life and contains all the essential nutrients our bodies need to thrive; most of which can not be found in any other natural source. For 300 million years, it has served the vital functions of protecting and strengthening the mucosal barriers of newborns and activating physiologic pathways at the cellular level. And research shows it continues to do so at all stages of life.
As an exclusive source of 400+ functional nutrients, colostrum is humans’ original, bioactive food. Its host of protective antibodies, whole food prebiotics, strengthening peptides, free amino acids, trace minerals, immunoglobulins, tissue growth factors, antioxidants, adaptogens, mitochondrial regenerators, and other supportive compounds act as the body’s source code, architecting its cellular regeneration and repair, and ensuring youthful, optimal functioning throughout the lifespan.
To date, over 5,000 published studies document the benefits of colostrum in optimizing health for men and women of all ages.